“Three threats of artificial intelligence”

ora 17,00
De Caro

on 23th March at 5:00 p.m. (Italian hour) a webinar of prof. Mario De Caro (University of Rome 3) on “Three threats of artificial intelligence” will take place on Teams (https://tinyurl.com/3r85x5mk) within the cycle of scientific webinars for the MD in Cognitive science and Theory of communication. All interested students and teachers are invited to participate.

Here the abstract: 

1. Scientific and technological progress - contrary to what has always been the case in the past - now poses a serious threat to human employment. In short, for the first time in history, rising unemployment is a potentially very worrying side effect of technological progress: and in the coming years this will be one of the main challenges of politics, economics and law. 

2. The morally and legally problematic uses of new technologies are increasingly numerous and complex: think only of the issue of privacy, cybercrime, the dark web, profiling, the use of algorithms in the legal sphere, and changes in warfare. Again, politics and culture cannot wait any longer before thinking seriously about these issues. 

3. A final challenge, finally, can be summed up by a sentence from Stephen Hawking's latest book, "Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks". Hawking's idea is that artificial intelligence, in addition to enormous benefits for the living conditions of human beings, may autonomize to the point that it may also carry with it the seeds of human catastrophe, regardless of the will of its designers. Is Hawking right? And, if so, what can we do in the face of such an ominous challenge? 

