Auditory amodal completion and auditory imagery

Microsoft Teams ore 17,00
Elvira Di Bona

On 8th June at 5:00 p.m. (Italian hour) a webinar of prof. Elvira Di Bona (University of Turin) on “Auditory amodal completion and auditory imagery” will take place on Teams ( within the cycle of scientific webinars for the MD in Cognitive science and Theory of communication. All interested students and teachers are invited to participate.

Here the abstract:

In this paper, I will discuss the view for which amodal completion is a form of mental imagery. I will specifically evaluate whether this view, which has been elaborated to explain amodal perception in vision, applies also to the case of amodal completion in audition. The conclusion is that auditory amodal completion is not a form of mental imagery because in order to represent the masked sounds in auditory amodal completion via mental imagery, perceived sounds and imagined sounds should necessarily interact with each other. Phenomenological considerations suggest that, while an interaction of this kind is possible in the case of vision, it does not seem to occur in the realm of hearing because of a specific relation it entertains with space. I will finally suggest reasons for which auditory amodal completion seem to be genuine perceptual phenomenon.
